KCBJJ is one of the original sources for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training in the KC metro. We offer classes built around the understanding of fundamental technique, competitive drive, physical conditioning, and strong community. Our student base is centered on the core principals of shared growth and achievement through the combined effort of the team.
Jason Bircher

Adult Classes
The KCBJJ adult program offers classes and training for students of all levels of experience. Whether you're a seasoned competitor, casual practitioner, or completely new to the sport, our program will help you develop the foundations needed to advance your understanding of the infinite art of Jiu Jitsu... all while building quality friendships in a positive community.

Kids Classes
The KCBJJ youth program is designed to provide an opportunity for continuous growth and development, beginning from ages 6 and up. We have a sizable student base of kids of all ages and skill sets, with a dedicated and consistent core of instructors. It is our goal to bring every kid in our program up from their first class as a kid, to a formidable Black Belt in the adult program, all while having as much fun as possible in the process.